Tuesday, January 10, 2012


ok so i am currently enrolled in SFL 358 Media, Family and Human Development. the class is AWESOME! so throughout the semester we are asked to make two media related posts, so let the fun begin.

media: the means of communication, such as internet, phone, radio, television, newspapers, books, and magazines; that reach or influence people widely.

ok so this week... i used my facebook app to stock people. yes its true i do it too. this week it has been beneficial, for good and bad. it has brought me and friends lot of laughter and conversation topics. it has also been helpful in explaining stories about people, when you can see their picture. and hopefully it will continue to help me this week, particularly in the dating scene. hee hee

second... so i love music. and this week i have been stuck on lady gaga's song "you and i." but this kinda makes me upset cause i really don't like her, she is so crazy! i mean even just finding this picture to attach i also found MANY crazy ones. but i love the song and i don't even know why, its just so catchy! i guess as i was thinking about this post i realized there is a lot of media that comes into my life that i don't even sensor or think about it. but i again somehow i'm sporting this song every morning :) haha

1 comment:

  1. So I think they changed You and I to say Utah (they did it for Idaho too) But did you know it's really written about Nebraska?? I mean come on, WHO KNEW?? Nebraska is cool?? Apparently her bf is form Blair, NE.. But what that really means is that we've been wrong about the state this whole time. It actually might be COOL! Again, WHO KNEW?? Miss ya Smafer
